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SDK 7.1 MakeFiles

I've been working with SDK 7.1 and I am struggling to understand how to get the makefile working with an NRF51822-QFAA device rather than a nRF51422-QFAC. I have samples of XLR3 nRF51822-QFAA which should be compatable with SDK 7.1 SD 7.1. However, I am trying to use the chips with Eclipse/GCC rather than keil. For this reason I need to know how to modify the MakeFile to work with nRF51822. Any tutorials on modifying your companies makefiles. They seem fairly complex....

  • Perhaps, it would be easier to just create Eclipse based project instead. There are instructions on this blog for Pure Eclipse based project (no makefile) with nRF51.

  • Hi,

    I guess you should change only linker script. Please locate line similar to line pasted below and change the linker script (You can also change target name but it is not necessary).

    "nrf51422_xxac_s110: LINKER_SCRIPT=../../../../../../components/toolchain/gcc/gcc_nrf51_s110_xxac.ld"

    How to find the correct Linker File?

    Linker GCC scripts are located in "components/toolchain/gcc".

    Linker script name contain: "gcc_[mcu_family][softdevice][mcu_type].ld"

    For example for SoftDevice S110 and nRF51 XLR3 XXAA you should use file: "gcc_nrf51_s110_xxaa.ld"

    In result your line should looks like:

    "nrf51422_xxac_s110: LINKER_SCRIPT=../../../../../../components/toolchain/gcc/gcc_nrf51_s110_xxaa.ld"

    Best Regards,

