I received my nRF9160 development board a week ago and tried to program it using the following guide:
However, I have not any success.
First of all, the guide is not compatible with the new SDK and there is no secure_boot app in the samples. But I think the "spm" project is its replacement. I programmed and ran the spm with "nrf9160_pca10090" as the board name and then ran at_client with "nrf9160_pca10090ns" as the board name. However, whenever I try to run an AT command using LTE Link monitor I get: Error: 'AT ' timed out. I tried to reset the board several times as in "https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/43180/nrf9160-dk-stopped-responding-to-at-commands/168837#168837" is suggesdted but it still is not working.
Secondly, I tried to program "asset_tracker" which is in the application folder to the board but it does not work at all. I do not have any output at the LTE link monitor and no LED is blinking. Can please someone help me to program the board properly? Is there any other setting to be set?