I'm writing a driver for a Ublox cellular module, which will be communicating with the nRF5240 using UART. After going back and forth, I decided to go with the app_uart implementation, as the nrf_serial might be a little overkill for my application.
I'd like to clarify exactly how the app_uart_get and app_uart_put functions work.
I understand there's an event handler that can be assigned to the driver:
1. Regarding the APP_UART_DATA_READY event, is this event received when all bytes from the DCE are received, or is the event generated "per byte" received?
2. Same for the APP_UART_TX_EMPTY.. is this event generated when all bytes are transmitted or is it generated "per byte" transmitted.
3. What would be the best way to use app_uart_get and app_uart_put to send a string? A while loop?