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Can't get Keil to break at Main

I have a custom board utilizing an RF51822aa device. To test connectivity to the board I built blinky_s110_pca10028. Using Keil 5.12 I tried to debug the program simply expecting to break in main thus verify I can talk to the M0 on the RF51822. My setup uses, as i mention 5.12 and Keil's ULINK2. When I start debug I can see the download occur, then Keil opens a Disassembly window.

I was expecting to have main.c opened and a break point hit. Instead, I have the Disassembly window open and a pointer to address 0x000114CC. Not sure what address that is.

Any thoughts?

  • Did you program the soft device executable onto your board before programming and attempting to debug the example? I've seen the behavior you describe when I've forgotten to program the soft device onto a newly built custom board.

  • I am attempting to program the Soft Device now. Can't find documentation that explains this procedure. I a VERY new to Nordic devices and I have to say I am struggling. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Instructions on how to program the board and softdevice can be found in chapter 6 of the nRF51822-EK user guide.

    Exactly which kit do you have? Make sure you select j-link as option in the debug section as it's a j-link that's on our development and evaluation kits.

  • Yea, I have read that chapter. I do not have a segger device. All I have is a Keil ULINK2 device. We do not have any EVKs. This project was given to us by the original development company and all I have is a custom board. So, I need to download the S110 Soft device. nRFgo Studio offers no way to program a custom board.

  • You can program custom boards through nRFgo Studio, but it's limited to Segger J-link devices. That's the missing link in your setup. How did the original development company program the units? There's a M0 on board, so you should be able to use a U-LINK, but we don't have any example on this specific setup.
