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nrf8001 communication msp430 and UART


I would like to connect my msp430f1611 with NRF8001 bluetooth module and send data with an SPI communication. I found an interesting guide here with the main part of the code already developed. There are many files and especially the ones of the bluetooth are somewhat complicated. I want just to know if with thisminimal port of the ACI/SPI driver for the msp430 is also "included" the communication with the UART app (nrf2.0) on the phone. In other words: using this minimal port and configuring correctly the SPI interface, once the data is sent to the bluetooth is it also "automatic" the transfer of the data over the bluetooth to the phone with the UART app?

Thanks. Claudio

  • The minimal port as mentioned in the question handles only the hardware SPI/ACI implementation and also implements the Echo test so that the ACI/SPI transport layer can be tested. It should be easy to add the code for UART over BLE from the nRF8001 SDK for Arduino, however you need to rewrite the UART parts of the code for the msp430.

    The parts that need to be re-written are the Arduino specific pieces for DigitalRead , DigitalWrite and the Serial. The Serial is used to communicate betweem the COM port of the PC and the Arduino. You also need to port over the functions in lib_aci.cpp in the Arduino version that are used to construct ACI messages.

    edit: spacing

  • The minimal port as mentioned in the question handles only the hardware SPI/ACI implementation and also implements the Echo test so that the ACI/SPI transport layer can be tested. It should be easy to add the code for UART over BLE from the nRF8001 SDK for Arduino, however you need to rewrite the UART parts of the code for the msp430.

    The parts that need to be re-written are the Arduino specific pieces for DigitalRead , DigitalWrite and the Serial. The Serial is used to communicate betweem the COM port of the PC and the Arduino. You also need to port over the functions in lib_aci.cpp in the Arduino version that are used to construct ACI messages.

    edit: spacing

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