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I have a problem with the BLE mesh light example using the static provisioner. I have modified the example to have multiple Generic OnOff servers. Client and Servers are working using nRF mesh to provision and set up publish/subscribe.

I have modified the configuration steps in the provision code to be able to setup all generic OnOff as i wanted. It have been working to subscribe to the client but when i added a publish configuration step i get an error. I have tried to limit the steps and changed to only publishing from the servers to the client and that is also working.

I'm getting opcode error 5. 

<t:    2212109>, node_setup.c,  289, opcode status field: 5 

Which is

ACCESS_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES             = 0x05, /**< The node cannot store provided information due to insufficient resources on node. */

I'm having a hard time to debug this i dont understand what the insufficient resources on the node actually means and how to fix it whether it is on the Provision device or Server node?


  • Hi

    Seeing as we don't know exactly what the insufficient resources are, I suggest you try implementing the ECDH offloading to see if the problem persists or not. What it does is that it frees up the CPU usage of target devices. Based on the info you've provided I'm not sure if it will work, but please give it a try and come back to me with the result.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    Seeing as we don't know exactly what the insufficient resources are, I suggest you try implementing the ECDH offloading to see if the problem persists or not. What it does is that it frees up the CPU usage of target devices. Based on the info you've provided I'm not sure if it will work, but please give it a try and come back to me with the result.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    Unfortunately it did not seem to work. I used the Serial provision and had enabled offloading on the provisioneer. Confirmed the offloading was enabled and working, output below. 

    main.c,   77, ----- Bluetooth Mesh Serial Interface Application -----
    main.c,   63, Enabling ECDH offloading...
    main.c,   66, Initializing serial interface...
    serial_handler_prov.c,  267, Generating encryption keypair...
    main.c,   87, Initialization complete!
    mesh_app_utils.c,   65, Device UUID (raw): FAB30A2AA21D9B4F9851E2375CC43CC2
    mesh_app_utils.c,   70, Device UUID : 2A0AB3FA-1DA2-4F9B-9851-E2375CC43CC2
    main.c,   98, Bluetooth Mesh Serial Interface Application started!

    Provisioned and tried to configure the node the same as static provisioneer but i still got AccessStatus.INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES when trying to add publication. 


    In [1]: db = MeshDB("database/example_database.json")
    In [2]: p = Provisioner(device,db)
    In [3]: 2019-05-17 10:55:57,692 - INFO - COM4: Success
    2019-05-17 10:55:57,696 - INFO - COM4: Success
    2019-05-17 10:55:57,702 - INFO - COM4: SubnetAdd: {'subnet_handle': 0}
    2019-05-17 10:55:57,707 - INFO - COM4: AppkeyAdd: {'appkey_handle': 0}
    2019-05-17 10:55:57,713 - INFO - COM4: AppkeyAdd: {'appkey_handle': 1}
    In [3]: p.scan_start()
    In [4]: 2019-05-17 10:56:00,373 - INFO - COM4: Success
    2019-05-17 10:56:01,113 - INFO - COM4: Received UUID 450cf845108b6c4480c73736a1cbc479 with RSSI: -18 dB
    In [4]: p.scan_stop()
    In [5]: 2019-05-17 10:56:03,929 - INFO - COM4: Success
    In [5]: p.provision(name="lightBulb1")
    In [6]: 2019-05-17 10:56:08,569 - INFO - COM4: Provision: {'context': 0}
    2019-05-17 10:56:08,582 - INFO - COM4: Link established
    2019-05-17 10:56:08,637 - INFO - COM4: Received capabilities
    2019-05-17 10:56:08,638 - INFO - COM4: Number of elements: 2
    2019-05-17 10:56:08,642 - INFO - COM4: OobUse: {'context': 0}
    2019-05-17 10:56:08,840 - INFO - COM4: ECDH request received
    2019-05-17 10:56:08,848 - INFO - COM4: EcdhSecret: {'context': 0}
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,168 - INFO - COM4: Provisioning complete
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,168 - INFO - COM4:  Address(es): 0x10-0x11
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,169 - INFO - COM4:  Device key: a5afe5f29aaa252b40c9c81c8273ef2e
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,171 - INFO - COM4:  Network key: 18eed9c2a56add85049ffc3c59ad0e12
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,172 - INFO - COM4: Adding device key to subnet 0
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,173 - INFO - COM4: Adding publication address of root element
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,178 - INFO - COM4: DevkeyAdd: {'devkey_handle': 8}
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,179 - INFO - COM4: AddrPublicationAdd: {'address_handle': 0}
    2019-05-17 10:56:09,270 - INFO - COM4: Provisioning link closed
    In [6]: cc = ConfigurationClient(db)
    In [7]: device.model_add(cc)
    In [8]: cc.publish_set(8,0)
    In [9]: cc.composition_data_get()
    In [10]: 2019-05-17 10:56:42,685 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 1}
    2019-05-17 10:56:42,690 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 1}}
    2019-05-17 10:56:43,324 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Received composition data (page 0x00): {
      "cid": "0059",
      "pid": "0000",
      "vid": "0000",
      "crpl": 40,
      "features": {
        "relay": 0,
        "proxy": 0,
        "friend": 2,
        "low_power": 2
      "elements": [
          "index": 0,
          "location": "0000",
          "models": [
              "modelId": "0000"
              "modelId": "0002"
              "modelId": "1000"
          "index": 1,
          "location": "0000",
          "models": [
              "modelId": "1000"
    In [10]: cc.appkey_add(0)
    In [11]: 2019-05-17 10:56:52,964 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 2}
    2019-05-17 10:56:53,005 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 2}}
    2019-05-17 10:56:53,029 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Appkey status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:56:53,032 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Appkey add 0 succeded for subnet 0 at node 0010
    In [11]: cc.model_app_bind(db.nodes[0].unicast_address,0,mt.ModelId(0x1000))
    In [12]: 2019-05-17 10:57:00,256 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 3}
    2019-05-17 10:57:00,262 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 3}}
    2019-05-17 10:57:00,273 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model app bind status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:57:00,276 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Appkey bind 0 to model 1000 at 0010
    In [12]:
        ...: cc.model_app_bind(db.nodes[0].unicast_address+1,0,mt.ModelId(0x1000))
    In [13]: 2019-05-17 10:57:07,825 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 4}
    2019-05-17 10:57:07,841 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 4}}
    2019-05-17 10:57:07,856 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model app bind status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:57:07,859 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Appkey bind 0 to model 1000 at 0011
    In [13]: d[0].send(cmd.AddrPublicationAdd(db.nodes[0].unicast_address+1))
    In [14]: 2019-05-17 10:57:14,741 - INFO - COM4: AddrPublicationAdd: {'address_handle': 1}
    In [14]: gc = GenericOnOffClient()
    In [15]: device.model_add(gc)
    In [16]: gc.publish_set(0,0)
    In [17]: gc.set(True)
    In [18]: 2019-05-17 10:57:39,369 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 5}
    2019-05-17 10:57:39,383 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 5}}
    2019-05-17 10:57:39,396 - INFO - COM4.GenericOnOffClient: Present OnOff: on
    In [18]: gc.set(False)
    In [19]: 2019-05-17 10:57:46,046 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 6}
    2019-05-17 10:57:46,060 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 6}}
    2019-05-17 10:57:46,078 - INFO - COM4.GenericOnOffClient: off
    In [19]: gc1 = GenericOnOffClient()
    In [21]: device.model_add(gc1)
    In [22]: gc1.publish_set(0,1)
    In [23]: gc1.set(True)
    In [24]: 2019-05-17 10:58:36,088 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 7}
    2019-05-17 10:58:36,097 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 7}}
    2019-05-17 10:58:36,122 - INFO - COM4.GenericOnOffClient: Present OnOff: on
    2019-05-17 10:58:36,124 - INFO - COM4.GenericOnOffClient: Present OnOff: on
    In [24]: gc1.set(False)
    In [25]: 2019-05-17 10:58:41,347 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 8}
    2019-05-17 10:58:41,354 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 8}}
    2019-05-17 10:58:41,375 - INFO - COM4.GenericOnOffClient: off
    2019-05-17 10:58:41,376 - INFO - COM4.GenericOnOffClient: off
    In [25]: cc.model_subscription_add(db.nodes[0].unicast_address,0xC001, mt.ModelId(0x1000))
    In [26]: 2019-05-17 10:58:58,920 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 9}
    2019-05-17 10:58:58,936 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 9}}
    2019-05-17 10:58:58,956 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model subscription status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:58:58,959 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Added subscription 'c001' to model 1000 at element 0010
    In [26]: cc.model_subscription_add(db.nodes[0].unicast_address,0xC000, mt.ModelId(0x1000))
    In [27]: 2019-05-17 10:59:06,737 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 10}
    2019-05-17 10:59:06,741 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 10}}
    2019-05-17 10:59:06,760 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model subscription status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:59:06,764 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Added subscription 'c000' to model 1000 at element 0010
    In [27]: cc.model_subscription_add(db.nodes[0].unicast_address+1,0xC000, mt.ModelId(0x1000))
    In [28]: 2019-05-17 10:59:13,337 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 11}
    2019-05-17 10:59:13,352 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 11}}
    2019-05-17 10:59:13,371 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model subscription status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:59:13,374 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Added subscription 'c000' to model 1000 at element 0011
    In [28]: cc.model_subscription_add(db.nodes[0].unicast_address+1,0xC002, mt.ModelId(0x1000))
    In [29]: 2019-05-17 10:59:19,969 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 12}
    2019-05-17 10:59:19,976 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 12}}
    2019-05-17 10:59:19,996 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model subscription status: AccessStatus.SUCCESS
    2019-05-17 10:59:19,999 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Added subscription 'c002' to model 1000 at element 0011
    In [29]: cc.model_publication_set(db.nodes[0].unicast_address+1,mt.ModelId(0x1000), mt.Publish(0xCEEE, index=0,ttl=1))
    In [30]: 2019-05-17 10:59:57,101 - INFO - COM4: PacketSend: {'token': 13}
    2019-05-17 10:59:57,146 - INFO - COM4: {event: MeshTxComplete, data: {'token': 13}}
    2019-05-17 10:59:57,199 - INFO - COM4.ConfigurationClient: Model publication status: AccessStatus.INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    Where you able to fix this memory problem? I have the same problem with roughly the same setup.

    Kind regards,

