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UART and BLE not working reliable


firstly, I have to say, I use MBED OS, if you cannot help me because of this, I understand, but maybe somebody still has some general Ideas.

I am trying to build an UART bridge based on MBED and BLE, (UART over BLE) at about 5kb/s.

I am using 115200 baud (also tried 57600).

when I make an empty program, and just read from uart and print it out to RTT, everything works fine.

But when BLE is running too, I will get some fals reads by the UART, for example

correct: GNVTG,,T,,M,0.019,N,0.035,K,D
wrong :  GNVTG,,T,,M,0.019,N,0.0.5,K,D

you see, the '3' gets switched out to a '.', these kind of things happen about once or twice per kilobyte of data, sometimes more, sometimes less.

I am now one week into figuring out what happens, and have pretty much crossed everything out, I debugged right at the start of the mbed serial librarys, where the characters are retrieved out of the hardware FIFO buffer, and even there, I have these strange mix ups.

Ps. I also tried the Nordic UART ble example, but it always crashes if I send data fast...

I really hope somebody can help me here.


