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Can I debug BLE program?

Hi, Can I debug BLE program? for example ble_app_hrs and ble_app_proximity. If not, why and how can I test and evaluate my BLE proram ?

Best Regards

  • Øyvind: Me and my team are struggling with this aspect too. Not being able to debug SD ISR:s with GDB is giving us grief.

    I'm not familiar with primask from before but it seems to be a control register for enabling/disabling interrupts. Or actually, the CPU:s ability to respond to them:

    We can automate this either in gdb-script or as an inline assembly in code. Would setting this bit stop the soft-device itself or will some HW continue to generate interrupts? Preferably one would like the source of the interrupts to also stop.

    This debugging technique, even if that breaks RT-requirements for SD, being able to step at least until next sd_* or ISR return would make a huge difference.

    == Edit == Here's a gdb-script based solution:

    define hook-stop
        set $primask=1
    define hook-run
        set $primask=0
    define hook-continue
        set $primask=0

    It will set primask to 1 on each stop, and release the IRQ-block it on each continue or run. Save as file objfile-gdb.gdb for automatic load or load explicitly using gdb's -x option.

  • Øyvind: Me and my team are struggling with this aspect too. Not being able to debug SD ISR:s with GDB is giving us grief.

    I'm not familiar with primask from before but it seems to be a control register for enabling/disabling interrupts. Or actually, the CPU:s ability to respond to them:

    We can automate this either in gdb-script or as an inline assembly in code. Would setting this bit stop the soft-device itself or will some HW continue to generate interrupts? Preferably one would like the source of the interrupts to also stop.

    This debugging technique, even if that breaks RT-requirements for SD, being able to step at least until next sd_* or ISR return would make a huge difference.

    == Edit == Here's a gdb-script based solution:

    define hook-stop
        set $primask=1
    define hook-run
        set $primask=0
    define hook-continue
        set $primask=0

    It will set primask to 1 on each stop, and release the IRQ-block it on each continue or run. Save as file objfile-gdb.gdb for automatic load or load explicitly using gdb's -x option.
