I just bought the nRF9160 DK. How do I put it in deep sleep mode?
I just bought the nRF9160 DK. How do I put it in deep sleep mode?
Are you talking about system off mode? You can put the chip in system off mode by writing 1 to the SYSTEMOFF register. Not sure if there is another way.
I want to put it in deep sleep to make the battery last as long as possible. The spec says Page 56: IMCUOFF0( MCU off, modem off, no RAM retention, wake on GPIO and reset) has power consumption of 1.4uA. How do I put it in this mode? Thanks.
I want to put it in deep sleep to make the battery last as long as possible. The spec says Page 56: IMCUOFF0( MCU off, modem off, no RAM retention, wake on GPIO and reset) has power consumption of 1.4uA. How do I put it in this mode? Thanks.