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HardFault on sd_ble_gap_adv_stop()


I'm getting a Hardfault MemManage (IPSR 003) when calling sd_ble_gap_adv_stop(). The advertising handle I'm passing is 0. This is called after the advertising has started using the ble_advertising library. That takes care of calling sd_ble_gap_adv_set_configure() to set the advertising handle.

I'm using the hardfault library from the SDK and it's printing this:

HARD FAULT at 0x0002FE9A
  R0:  0x00000000  R1:  0x00000000  R2:  0x1018F01D  R3:  0x00000000
  R12: 0x00000000  LR:  0x000304EB  PSR: 0x01000016

I took a look at the .map file and confirmed that this address is within the sd_ble_gap_adv_stop() function.

                0x000000000002fe94        0x4 ./piavet/ble/advertising/advertising_mngr.o
                0x000000000002fe98        0x4 ./piavet/ble/advertising/advertising_mngr.o
                0x000000000002fe9c        0x4 ./piavet/ble/advertising/advertising_mngr.o

I saw a couple of threads about this in the DevZone but none of them have answers. Any clues?

  • Hi,

    It appears to be called from your GPIOTE IRQ handler based on the PSR value. What's the interrupt priority of this IRQ? I'm wondering if it might be higher than the SV call?

  • You're right! I'll move the call out of the IRQ and will update in a bit. It sounds very likely that that's the issue.

    Thanks for your speedy help! That's a speed record for me :D

  • Yep, this was it! Thanks again for your help Slight smile

    Before I verify the answer, could you explain how were you able to tell that the call came from the GPIOTE IRQ handler? How can I use that information in the future?

  • Sure:) 

    The last bits of the PSR register shows the current ISR number (ARM doc):  So 0x01000016 corresponds to ISR number 0x16. Then I subtract this number by 16 as the non-programmable interrupts start at minus 15

    0x16 -> 22 - 16 = 6. 

    Then you can look up ISR number 6 in the nrf52.h/nrf52xx.h header file:

    /* =========================================================================================================================== */
    /* ================                                Interrupt Number Definition                                ================ */
    /* =========================================================================================================================== */
    typedef enum {
    /* =======================================  ARM Cortex-M4 Specific Interrupt Numbers  ======================================== */
      Reset_IRQn                = -15,              /*!< -15  Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset                     */
      NonMaskableInt_IRQn       = -14,              /*!< -14  Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted               */
      HardFault_IRQn            = -13,              /*!< -13  Hard Fault, all classes of Fault                                     */
      MemoryManagement_IRQn     = -12,              /*!< -12  Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation
                                                         and No Match                                                              */
      BusFault_IRQn             = -11,              /*!< -11  Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory
                                                         related Fault                                                             */
      UsageFault_IRQn           = -10,              /*!< -10  Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition        */
      SVCall_IRQn               =  -5,              /*!< -5 System Service Call via SVC instruction                                */
      DebugMonitor_IRQn         =  -4,              /*!< -4 Debug Monitor                                                          */
      PendSV_IRQn               =  -2,              /*!< -2 Pendable request for system service                                    */
      SysTick_IRQn              =  -1,              /*!< -1 System Tick Timer                                                      */
    /* ===========================================  nrf52 Specific Interrupt Numbers  ============================================ */
      POWER_CLOCK_IRQn          =   0,              /*!< 0  POWER_CLOCK                                                            */
      RADIO_IRQn                =   1,              /*!< 1  RADIO                                                                  */
      UARTE0_UART0_IRQn         =   2,              /*!< 2  UARTE0_UART0                                                           */
      SPIM0_SPIS0_TWIM0_TWIS0_SPI0_TWI0_IRQn=   3,  /*!< 3  SPIM0_SPIS0_TWIM0_TWIS0_SPI0_TWI0                                      */
      SPIM1_SPIS1_TWIM1_TWIS1_SPI1_TWI1_IRQn=   4,  /*!< 4  SPIM1_SPIS1_TWIM1_TWIS1_SPI1_TWI1                                      */
      NFCT_IRQn                 =   5,              /*!< 5  NFCT                                                                   */
      GPIOTE_IRQn               =   6,              /*!< 6  GPIOTE                                                                 */
      SAADC_IRQn                =   7,              /*!< 7  SAADC                                                                  */
      TIMER0_IRQn               =   8,              /*!< 8  TIMER0                                                                 */
      TIMER1_IRQn               =   9,              /*!< 9  TIMER1                                                                 */
