I'm trying to send CoAP messages from an Raspberry Pi3 B to an nRF52 DK with Obersve_server on it.
What i've done :
I'ive edited radvd.conf like this :
then i've created a connexion.sh file :
Then : i've added the 2001:db8::1/64 prefix to bt0 interface with
ifconfig bt0 add 2001:db8::1/64
and i've checked the bt0 interface :
A inet6 2001:db8::b827:ebff:fe9b:9a23 should be present ? so ive added it manually
ifconfig bt0 add 2001:db8::b827:ebff:fe9b:9a23/64
Then i've ping the device with the local address :
and the global adress :
FInally i've tried to send a message with Copper (Firefox) with the following adress "coap://[2001:db8::b827:ebff:fe9b:9a23]/:5683" but i've always the same message : "Warning : Message xxxx timed out"
I don't know what i've done wrong and I hope you can help me...
Sorry if my English isn't correct, it's not my main language.