Hi everyone,
We are currently working on a BLE border router with a module based on nrf52840. The custom board has a MAC + PHY ethernet controller that communicates with the module over an SPI bus.
We would like to port a solution such as 6LBR (https://github.com/cetic/6lbr/wiki) and plug it on the BLE over IPv6 instead of going with the 802.15.4 protocol.
I have a few questions i hope you can help me with:
6LBR is based on Contiki-os, it looks like the SoftDevice (S140) has most of the stack pieces already. Would it be possible to realise a project like this without adding a complementary OS ?
Your documentation states that the nrf5x series have support for RPL but i can't find the implementation in the SDK 15.3.0, if you confirm RPL is not implemented, can it be added without a full complementary OS ? https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v15.3.0%2Fiot_layers.html&cp=5_1_1_7_0
Do you see any other obstacle in the realisation of such a project ?
Thanks in advance !
Best regards,