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How to avoid ble_advertising_advdata_update?


Currently I have a firmware based on template project for nrf52 (sdk15). I am interested in broadcast data, hence I used ble_advertising_advdata_update() in order to update the broadcasted data frame.

It works nicely, however the device is broadcasting more data than I use at the central device such has flags device name etc. (peripheral is also connectable!)

Assuming that I want to use the **minimal** number of bytes during advertisement in order to save as much as energy (I known against the standard) how can I directly update broadcasted data buffer without using the typefied ble_advertising_advdata_update function?

Image I just want to broadcast 6 bytes:


Can I access the underlying broadcasted buffer and write that data without providing dev name, flags, etc?

Note: I completely control the central devices in terms of software hence I dont need to strictly folow the standard (right?)



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