SDK 15.3
Hi, I'm trying to write a very basic bootloader for my application and the memory map is more or less as follows.
0x0000-0x10000 Bootloader
0x10000-0x70000 Bank0
0x70000-0xD0000 Bank1
0xFF000-0xFFFFF Proprietary Flash area
In the bootloader code, it only initializes Flash Settings so that it can read the "Proprietary Flash area", and from there it reads a 32-bit value to find if it should copy application from Bank1 to Bank0 or not.
I don't need SoftDevice, and so I'm thinking to not use MBR and keep it as simple as possible.
I used the USB Serial Bootloader as the base and removes anything I don't need. But, when I jump to application it goes to hard fault.
We had a similar simple bootloader like this in the past, but it was from an older SDK and from 51422 so we couldn't port it as easily.
My question is:
1) Is this design feasible, or do I need to use MBR?
2) Do i need to do anything to forward interrupt to application?
3) I don't see interrupts_disable in SDK 15.3. Do I need to copy this from the old code?
This was the code that worked for us.
#define IRQ_ENABLED 0x01 /**< Field identifying if an interrupt is enabled. */ #define MAX_NUMBER_INTERRUPTS 32 void interrupts_disable(void) { uint32_t interrupt_setting_mask; uint8_t irq; // We start the loop from first interrupt, i.e. interrupt 0. irq = 0; // Fetch the current interrupt settings. interrupt_setting_mask = NVIC->ISER[0]; for (; irq < MAX_NUMBER_INTERRUPTS; irq++) { if (interrupt_setting_mask & (IRQ_ENABLED << irq)) { // The interrupt was enabled, and hence disable it. NVIC_DisableIRQ((IRQn_Type) irq); } } }
4) The new jump_to_addr is slightly different from the older StartApplication. But they should mean the same right?
//SDK 15.3 //new_msp is the same with "start_addr" in the older code //addr == new_msp + 0x4 //new_lr == 0xFFFFFFFF __STATIC_INLINE void jump_to_addr(uint32_t new_msp, uint32_t new_lr, uint32_t addr) { __ASM volatile ("MSR MSP, %[arg]" : : [arg] "r" (new_msp)); __ASM volatile ("MOV LR, %[arg]" : : [arg] "r" (new_lr) : "lr"); __ASM volatile ("BX %[arg]" : : [arg] "r" (addr)); } //Older code __asm void StartApplication(uint32_t start_addr) { LDR R2, [R0] ; Get App MSP. MSR MSP, R2 ; Set the main stack pointer to the applications MSP. LDR R3, [R0, #0x00000004] ; Get application reset vector address. BX R3 ; No return - stack code is now activated only through SVC and plain interrupts. ALIGN }