The BWG832F DK Bluetooth Gateway comes with a board that says that it can be used to program the Bluetooth module. The software recommended for this is the Nordic nRFgo Studio. Do I need a Nordic DK debug board or is that not required?
The BWG832F DK Bluetooth Gateway comes with a board that says that it can be used to program the Bluetooth module. The software recommended for this is the Nordic nRFgo Studio. Do I need a Nordic DK debug board or is that not required?
The BWG832F is not a Nordic product:
So best to check with Fanstel
However, on that page, they do give you this picture:
Which seems quite clear?
You could probably use a standalone J-Link - but, again, Fanstel would be the ones to ask for confirmation.
The BWG832F is not a Nordic product:
So best to check with Fanstel
However, on that page, they do give you this picture:
Which seems quite clear?
You could probably use a standalone J-Link - but, again, Fanstel would be the ones to ask for confirmation.