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Bug when stop advertising on nrf ble uart example sdk 15.3


On latest SDK (15.3)n nrf52832, PCA10040, on ble uart bare example, I get a bug when stopping advetising:

line 659:        "p_advertising->evt_handler(p_advertising->adv_evt);"

Can you please give a try ? (save time: it's the same if you set advertising lengh to 1.8seconds: #define APP_ADV_DURATION    180

Kind regards,

Parents Reply
  • all information I get are on bottom of my screenshot, in a very interesting window called "call stack":

    something about "app_error_fault_handler", caused by I don't know what and I don't really care.

    I just uncompressed again a brand new nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345, made the test, and it crashes. It took me like 2 minutes.

    So or this is a harware failure, which is really strange, but you wouldn't have the bug, or this is a software issue, and then, good luck.
