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How to receive SMS message in standby mode in nRF9160?

I want to wake up nRF9160 by SMS.

What I want to do:

The nRF9160 usually sleeps to reduce power consumption, and only when it receives SMS it wakes up and send some data by UDP or so.

I succeeded in implementing MQTT(+TLS), but have no experience to implement SMS function.

Any advice?

  • Hi, Hakon. Thank you for your advice. Very helpful.

    >Is it NB1 or LTE M1? 
    LTE-M1, hologram SIM

    >SMS reception should work in eDRX and PSM
    I see. So it's worth to try to find a way of using SMS and eDRX at the same time in nRF9160.

    If SMS and eDRX integrated sample program is provided, it's very helpful. I think the best way to send messages in some interval while checking an incoming message is to use eDRX and SMS. 

  • AT+CEDRXRDP=4,"0110","0110","0000"
    +CEDRXRDP: 0

    When I run the above AT command with at_client program, I received "+CEDRXRDP: 0."

    But, studying the current consumption(floor: 40uA) and receiving interval, eDRX seems to be working in mqtt_simple + edrx, not at_client.

    I guess something is missing.

    What should I add? Any help?

  • oops! That's wrong.

    This is correct.


  • Hi, Hakon.

    I managed to receive SMS during eDRX on at_client and LTE Link Monitor.

    AT%XBANDLOCK=1,"10000000" // Some carriers don't support SMS during eDRX
    AT+CEDRXS=2,4,"0110" // enable eDRX
    Wait for a while
    AT+CFUN? // Make sure LTE conection is established
    SMS from server
    wait until unsolicited message shows up on LLM

    When I implement this code in usual project and check if SMS notification shows up on LTE Link Monitor, I can't receive SMS notification even though I set "AT+CNMI=3,2,0,1." SMS seems to be received, but SMS notification is not generated.

    void send_at_commands(void)
        char recv_buf[1024 + 1];
    	const char *at_commands[] = { "AT+CEDRXRDP", "AT+CNMI?" };
    	int at_socket_fd = socket(AF_LTE, 0, NPROTO_AT);
    	if (at_socket_fd < 0) {
    		printk("Socket err: %d, errno: %d\r\n", at_socket_fd, errno);
    	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(at_commands); i++) {
            printk("%s\n", at_commands[i]);
    		int bytes_written = send(at_socket_fd, at_commands[i],
    					 strlen(at_commands[i]), 0);
    		if (bytes_written > 0) {
    			int r_bytes = blocking_recv(at_socket_fd, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), MSG_DONTWAIT);
    			if (r_bytes > 0) {
    				printk("%s", recv_buf);
    	printk("Closing socket\n\r");
    void main(void)
    	printk("The AT client program started\n");

    #if defined(CONFIG_LTE_LOCK_BANDS)
    /* Lock LTE bands 8 (volatile setting) */
    static const char lock_bands[] = "AT%XBANDLOCK=2,\"10000000\"";
    /* Request eDRX settings to be used */
    static const char edrx_req[] = "AT+CEDRXS=1,"CONFIG_LTE_EDRX_REQ_ACTT_TYPE",\""CONFIG_LTE_EDRX_REQ_VALUE"\"";
    static const char edrx_ptw[] = "AT%XPTW=4,\"0111\"";
    static int w_lte_lc_init_and_connect(struct device *unused)
    /* ADD HERE */
    	if (at_cmd_write(offline, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	if (at_cmd_write("AT+CNMI=3,2,0,1", NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    /* ADD HERE */
    #if defined(CONFIG_LTE_EDRX_REQ)
    	/* Request configured eDRX settings to save power */
    	if (at_cmd_write(edrx_req, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	if (at_cmd_write(edrx_ptw, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	if (at_cmd_write(subscribe, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    #if defined(CONFIG_LTE_LOCK_BANDS)
    	/* Set LTE band lock (volatile setting).
    	 * Has to be done every time before activating the modem.
    	if (at_cmd_write(lock_bands, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	if (at_cmd_write(legacy_pco, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	LOG_INF("Using legacy LTE PCO mode...");
    #if defined(CONFIG_LTE_PDP_CMD)
    	if (at_cmd_write(cgdcont, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	LOG_INF("PDP Context: %s", cgdcont);
    	if (at_cmd_write(network_mode, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	k_sem_init(&link, 0, 1);
    	if (at_cmd_write(normal, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	k_sem_take(&link, K_FOREVER);
    	return 0;

    *Without SMS notification, AT+CNMI was reset and probably SMS is received. 


    In this lte_lc.c, I think at_cmd_set_notification_handler is related to this issue. Can you check this?

    Another question:

    Every time SMS is received, SMS notification is reset and you need to run "AT+CNMI=3,2,0,1" again. Why does this happen? Is this possible to set SMS notification permanently?

  • I'm pretty sure that "at_cmd_set_notification_handler"  causes this issue.

    When I comment out the two lines, SMS notification shows up, but when I don't, it doesn't show up.

    Could you help me fix this issue?

    Thank you so much for helping me a lot!

    static int w_lte_lc_init_and_connect(struct device *unused)
    	if (at_cmd_write(network_mode, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	k_sem_init(&link, 0, 1);
    //	at_cmd_set_notification_handler(at_handler);
    	if (at_cmd_write(normal, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
    		return -EIO;
    	k_sem_take(&link, K_FOREVER);
    //	at_cmd_set_notification_handler(NULL);
    	return 0;
