I am trying to port an existing project to a Mesh SDK example.
Some files include the math.h library and use the round function.
During the build process I am getting the following message:
undefined reference to `round'
I tried the solution shown in:
But adding the library manually doesnt work for me:
set(MATH_LINK_LIBRARY ${MATH_LINK_LIBRARY} ${SDK_ROOT}/components/toolchain/cmsis/dsp/GCC/libarm_cortexM4f_math.a) target_link_libraries(${target} rtt_${PLATFORM} uECC_${PLATFORM} ${MATH_LINK_LIBRARY})
CMake does not find the library:
CMake Error at CMake/GenerateSESProject.cmake:22 (get_property): get_property could not find TARGET /home/nrf5/nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345/components/toolchain/cmsis/dsp/GCC/libarm_cortexM4f_math.a. Perhaps it has not yet been created.
Does anybody know a solution?
Thanks in advance