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button push and release events


to initialize  the button properly

to trigger the push event on button push and the release event on button release, do I just have to change the button active state, if not how can i control it !?

/**@brief Button configuration structure. */
typedef struct
uint8_t pin_no; /**< Pin to be used as a button. */
uint8_t active_state; /**< APP_BUTTON_ACTIVE_HIGH or APP_BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW. */
bool hi_accuracy; /**< True if GPIOTE high accuracy (IN_EVENT) is used. */
nrf_gpio_pin_pull_t pull_cfg; /**< Pull-up or -down configuration. */
app_button_handler_t button_handler; /**< Handler to be called when button is pushed. */
} app_button_cfg_t;

when the button push switch the analog input from 0 to 1 have to be initialized as follows : 

#ifdef BSP_BUTTON_0
{BSP_BUTTON_0, true, BUTTON_PULL, bsp_button_event_handler},
#endif // BUTTON_0

and when the button push switch the analog input from 1 to 0 have to be initialized as follows : 

#ifdef BSP_BUTTON_0
{BSP_BUTTON_0, false, BUTTON_PULL, bsp_button_event_handler},
#endif // BUTTON_0
