Hi All
I am a newbie with the nRF52 series SoC's and my end goal is to make a solar powered weather station.
I have a very crude nRF52832 dev board that I program with a SEGGER J-Link, and some BME280 & SGP30 breakout boards. So far I have done the basics like:
- Blink an LED
- PWM an LED
- Send stuff over TTL serial
Now I am trying to communicate with the BME280 over I2C/TWI but am finding myself a bit stuck as I don't really know where to begin. So far I have:
- Had a look at the Nordic LM75B TWI example and made a copy of the project
- Downloaded the official BME280 drivers and imported them into above project
- Had a dig through this recommended blog post
At this point it seems like I have most of the info I need but I can't seem to piece everything together. So with that said would you guys be able to recommend a strategy for this newbie?
Cheers, Anton