3.19 [78] TIMER: High current consumption when using timer STOP task only
I'm using app_timer_stop. But I do not know how to cope with this errata.
Does the timer stop that this Errata says is pointing to function "ret_code_t app_timer_stop (app_timer_id_t timer_id)"?
3.48 [182] RADIO: Fixes for anomalies #102, #106, and #107 do not take effect
I can not find the process that enabled the "register (0xFFC) POWER".
Specifically, where should we add the processing of measures?
3.54 [204] RADIO: Switching beween TX and RX causes unwanted emissions
I don't know where I'm switching between TX and RX.
For example, sending BLE uses sd_ble_gatts_hvx (), which is a process in the SDK, so deeper nesting can not be seen.
Also, there is a Define called "RADIO_STATE_STATE_RxDisable", which also seems to be unused.
Please tell me how to respond.