Hi all,
I ned to test DTM in labview. In nRFgo Studio works fine, but I don't have any idea hoe to relize same test in labview. Could anyone help me please?
Thank you and best regards
Hi all,
I ned to test DTM in labview. In nRFgo Studio works fine, but I don't have any idea hoe to relize same test in labview. Could anyone help me please?
Thank you and best regards
Unfortunately we do not have anything on this, but you just need to ensure that the nRF52 is receiving valid DTM command using UART. This is the case either you use LabView or anything else. The commands are described in the Bluetooth Specification, I extracted the DTM part to make it a bit more readable: DTM_Core_v5.1.pdf
You should also see the documentation on the DTM example in our SDK: https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v15.3.0/ble_sdk_app_dtm_serial.html?cp=5_1_4_5
Best regards,
Unfortunately we do not have anything on this, but you just need to ensure that the nRF52 is receiving valid DTM command using UART. This is the case either you use LabView or anything else. The commands are described in the Bluetooth Specification, I extracted the DTM part to make it a bit more readable: DTM_Core_v5.1.pdf
You should also see the documentation on the DTM example in our SDK: https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v15.3.0/ble_sdk_app_dtm_serial.html?cp=5_1_4_5
Best regards,
thank you for answer. I try to consruct LabView .vi but I dont get any responde on spectrum analyser.
could any please help me what I'm wrong?
I have no idea, we are not familiar woth useing LabView for this. Your best bet might be to open a debug session on the DUT while doing this and step though the code to see if it accepts the command and what test it enters.
Best regards,
Hi Andreas, I can't find solution to solve communication in labview as .vi's block. It's maybe possible to control DTM mode as send ASCII command with parameters (channal, transimite/recieve, payload model,...)
Hi Zoran,
Andreas is on vacation, so I will cover for him.
Could you try with DTM in nRFgo Studio, and see if you get any output?
Best regards,
Hi Kaja,
thank you for answer. I work with nRFgo Studio and works OK. Now I want to make same test in LabView. This is the reason why I need direct commands to control nRF DEMO board. In LabView I can also use same comand as for Terminal Serial Interface.
BR Zoran