I am sending setup commands to a NRF8001 D device and I receive a command response with status of 0x89. This appears to respond to ACI_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT. I cannot find any further description of this error which will help me resolve the issue. After startup, the device sends me a device startup message (4, 81, 2, 0, 2) (ALL hex), so I am pretty confident that it is in setup mode. I have also sent a "GetTemperature" command (0x0C) and received a valid response, so I think my communication to the device is in good shape. But when my code starts sending setup commands, the command response has a status code of 0x89. I would greatly appreciate any enlightenment that you could provide. I have attached the services.h file that I generated with nRFgo Studio. services.h