I have developed a custom PCB using nRF52832. It's meant to work as an ibeacon currently and consequently works in a non-connectable, advertising only mode. I will be going into production soon and hence would like to know how to batch program these devices? I will have the SWD ports exposed on the PCB and might also have the option to get the nRF modules pre programmed with the firmware before PCB assembly. Regardless of which way I go about it, I will still need a quick way to reprogram the devices on the field if required(mainly major, minor value modification). What might be the best way to go about it?
My need is to be able to modify the major and minor values OTA. DFU feels a little overkill. What are the ways in which I can achieve this? Could you also suggest the best way to go about firmware programming for batch production wherein every device needs a unique major, minor combination? Some vendors who can provide pre programmed modules require me to provide a combined hex file. In such a manner how do I go about ensuring that all devices get unique major, minor combinations?
Thank you