Hello, I'm trying to test the UART example for nRF 9160 DK. To my understanding, any input sent through one of the ports should appear in the other one (from uart1 to uart0, being the one with "uart loopback" printf). So I set up two terminals (I was trying with multiple programs) and it seems that the "receiver" works fine, but the "sender" just won't work. I'm trying with the second port, while the third remaining spits "STATIC VERSION OF NRF52 board control Firmware" every few seconds. So i'm trying to send something through the one port that doesn't print anything, but without success. The ports are configured as 115200 8n1, no handshake. Using other programs (like at_client) work in the same terminals with the same settings. There's really not much to configure in this project and also I don't think there's much debug data that I could extract from it. What could be causing this problem? I'll upload the merged.hex file as attachment.
Firmware: 1.0.0
Board v0.7.0
SES V4.16 Nordic Edition (64-bit)