ENV: nrf52 + SES + SDK15
I have a scenario where the nrf52 peripheral can be advertising at the maximum interval allowed (~10s) . During the advertising it is also broadcasting useful and changing data using the manuf reserved zone of the broadcasted message. This is interesting because it has a big impact in the battery life(I think).
But some times central device needs to connect to peripheral in order to set some properties and then it disconnects (no long time connections)
The problem is that when peripheral is advertising with a 10secs interval, the central device is not able to establish a connection with the peripheral. With a 5secs adv interval the same happens. The central device is able only to establish connection when peripheral is advertising with a 3 seconds (or less) interval.
Is this a known and normal situation or can I configure something in order to be able to establish connections using 10secs adv interval?
Thanks a lot