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BLE Advertising (ADV) - UUID as connection criteria


I would like to connect the "image_transfer_demo" example (running on a nrf52840) with the "Nordic_UART_Service" (BLE central) example (running on another nrf52840).

As I found, the Nordic_UART_Service central scans the advertising BLE peripherals for the UUID in their advertising data. And based on that, it connects to a peer with a matching UUID.
Thus, I gave the image_tranfer_demo the same UUID as the Nordic_UART_Service (BLE peripheral) example code (#define BLE_UUID_NUS_SERVICE 0x0001).
However, the NUS_Central will only connect to the NUS_Peripheral but won't connect to the Image_Transfer Service (one at a time for sure).

Is there another connection criteria for the NUS which I missed?

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