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Migrate Code Nrf51 to Nrf52

Hi guys, i was using nrf51822 s130 sdk, and now i am using nrf52dk s132 sdk. When i am using nrf_adc.h, all bitfields macro's get errors. It's bitfield macros doesn't match nrf52's bitfield macros because i am using nrf51's nrf_adc.h header. And i didn't find a nrf_adc.h header for nrf52 dk. Do you have any idea?

And if i don't use nrf_adc.h, i get this errors;

.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol app_pwm_enable (referred from main.o).

.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol app_pwm_init (referred from main.o).

.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol app_pwm_uninit (referred from main.o).

I don't know is it relevant each other, do you have any idea how can i fix this errors?

Thanks Slight smile

Parents Reply
  • You're missing the point!

    You need to separate what is your application code - the stuff you've written yourself to achieve your goals - from the underlying driver code which Nordic provide just to make their hardware work.

    This is basic software development stuff.

    Using the SDK ADC example, you should be able to get the basic ADC drivers working, and giving you readings.

    Your application code should then take these readings without worrying about where they came from.

    Perhaps you need to take a step beck and re-organise your nRF51 code to separate your own code from the Nordic code ...
