Actually migrating from SDK13.2 to SDK 15.3.0 and a FreeRTOS is set.
In the ble_task function there is :
/* Process any events that have been latched in the notified value. */
if( ( ulNotifiedValue & SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_FROM_BLE ) != 0 )
/* Bit 0 was set - Notification from BLE. */
The function intern_softdevice_events_execute from softdevice_handler.c doesn't exist anymore in sdk 15.
I'm not mistaken, softdevice_handler.c is replaced with nrf_sdh.c.
Is it correct to replace this function by nrf_sdh_evts_poll(); ?
Do I need to use the nrf_sdh_freertos.c or nrf_sdh.c or both ? I can see a file nrf_sdh_soc also.
Thank you in advance,