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Missing include in nrf_bootloader_app_start.c


We are adding custom features to the bootloader to support our target environment. 2 of those feature are logging on UARTE1 and accessing serial flash on QSPI. Had a decent little bug where interrupts where sending the application into Dummy_Handler very early in the boot, after the bootloader tried to start the APP.

Turns out, nrf_bootloader_app_start.c is missing 

#include "nrf_nvic.h"

Without the include file, __NRF_NVIC_ISER_COUNT is NOT defined, and this ICER[1] and OCPR[1] are NOT set to 0xFFFFFFFF. Allowing the interrupt from UARTE1 to disrupt the starting of the application.

If I may, please include that header in future revisions of the SDK.

If that is already fixed, please accept my thank you.


