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IOS nrfConnect issue with DFU

I am using nrf connect app on ios , the device is getitng on device mode but it is not showing DFU button on it , but it is working when using android app of it

And when doing dfu using ios liberary on react rative app, we are getting this error

98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…-fc749e7a9a6c:92442 DFU state: DFU_FAILED
98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:5221 Error: DFU Service not found
at createErrorFromErrorData (98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:4204)
at 98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:4156
at MessageQueue.__invokeCallback (98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:4702)
at 98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:4433
at MessageQueue.__guard (98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:4606)
at MessageQueue.invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue (98d3db5e-35d2-4003-9…5-fc749e7a9a6c:4432)
at debuggerWorker.js:80
  • HI Vivek, 

    the UUID of the Service shown in the nRF Connect app does not match the UUID of the Buttonless DFU Service, which is 0xFE59. 

    Which SDK example have you flashed to your nRF device? Which SDK version are you using? Is this the nRF52 or the nRF51 series? 

    The Buttonless DFU Service should have two characteristics with the following UUIDs.

    Characteristic name Required properties Optional properties UUID 16-bit
    DFU Control Point Write, Notify 0x8EC90001-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50 0x0001
    DFU Packet WriteWithoutResponse, Notify 0x8EC90002-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50 0x0002

    It could be that your iOS device has cached the GATT table of the previous application on the nRF device. Can you try to turn off and on again the Bluetooth adaptor on the iOS device?

    Best regards


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