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  • Hello,

    What SDK version do you use? Can you check what the on_adv_report() does when it picks up the advertisements from the phone? You can also see inside this function what it is looking for, whether it is a UUID or an advertising name (or something else). 

    It is a bit hard to pinpoint exactly where it checks for this, as it differs between the different SDK versions, but do a search for "on_adv_rep" in your project, and see if you can find out what function that is called when the scanner receives an advertisement report.

  • Thank you for answer.
    I am using s132 on pca10040 in version 15.3.
    I am using the nrf52832 chip.
    It is difficult to verify that the on_adv_rep function works
    Peripheral is the uart, Central is the.
    I tried to match UUID and device_name but it does not work. Help
  • Ok. So you are using the ble_app_lbs_nus_c project, is that correct?

    If so it is looking for devices named "LBS_NUS_Node".

    I tested it now, and I see that the nRF Connect for Mobile doesn't actually set the name in the advertisement packets (at least for iOS). Have you tested to connect it to another DK running the peripheral project?

    Best regards,


  • Hi.

    I am using the ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi-role example.

    I have built and tested a peripheral example on another dk board,

    My dk board does not connect to central mode.

    Thank you

  • I assume that you use the Segger Embedded Studio (SES) projects?

    Do you see the logging information in SES?


    cjb21 said:

    I have built and tested a peripheral example on another dk board,

    My dk board does not connect to central mode.

     What do you mean? It doesn't connect to a central or it doesn't connect to a peripheral? I have tested both cases, and it does. Not the phone advertising, but the ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role example connects to both the ble_app_lbs_nus and the ble_app_lbs_nus_c example.

    Did you do any changes to any of the examples?

    You use the correct projects, right? The pca10040 ones?

  • I see from the event log that you have replied, edited something and deleted a reply. Also I noticed that the original ticket text is gone. I am not sure whether this was on purpose or not, but just as you know, I can't see anything more in this ticket now, and consider it closed until you update it or reply. 

    NB: We can only see that something is edited, and not what the edit actually was, so the best is to reply instead of editing existing replies.

    Best regards,


  • Hi. Long time no see.  

    Thanks to you,

    we have confirmed the connection between the < ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> example and

    <ble_app_lbs_nus> examples.  

    I would like to ask another issue.

    I connect the < ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> example to a mobile phone (nrf toolbox / ios) and the data entered in the uart terminal does not reach the mobile phone (nrf toolbox / ios).

    Connecting the example to a mobile phone (nrf toolbox / ios) and entering data into the uart terminal is successfully sent.

    A. Example <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> and the Mobile Connection Screen


    (Tx "DATA SEND")

    <NRF TOOLBOX(ios)>

    not reveive 

    B. Example <ble_app_lbs_nus> and the Mobile Connection Screen

    (Tx "DATA SEND")

    <NRF TOOLBOX(ios)>

    reveived "data send"

    as above I wonder why the ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role example doesn't work.

    Below is the project file I used.

    I used sdk 15.3

    Thank you. Please.

  • Hi. Long time no see.  

    Thanks to you,

    we have confirmed the connection between the < ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> example and

    <ble_app_lbs_nus> examples.  

    I would like to ask another issue.

    I connect the < ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> example to a mobile phone (nrf toolbox / ios) and the data entered in the uart terminal does not reach the mobile phone (nrf toolbox / ios).

    Connecting the example to a mobile phone (nrf toolbox / ios) and entering data into the uart terminal is successfully sent.

    A. Example <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> and the Mobile Connection Screen


    (Tx "DATA SEND")

    <NRF TOOLBOX(ios)>

    not reveive 

    B. Example <ble_app_lbs_nus> and the Mobile Connection Screen

    (Tx "DATA SEND")

    <NRF TOOLBOX(ios)>

    reveived "data send"

    as above I wonder why the ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role example doesn't work.

    Below is the project file I used.

    I used sdk 15.3

    Thank you. Please.

  • In the case where it doesn't work, what does ble_nus_data_send() return?

  • Hi

    A. <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> example  

    Returns 5

    B. <ble_app_lbs_nus> example >   [Normal operation example]

    Returns 0
  • As long as it doesn't return 0, the message is not sent.

    Can you check where in ble_nus_data_send it returns 5? 5 = NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND. It should be in ble_nus.c. Either it is 

        if ((conn_handle == BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID) || (p_client == NULL))
            return NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;

    or the softdevice call:

    return sd_ble_gatts_hvx(conn_handle, &hvx_params);

    It may be easiest to debug and set breakpoints to figure out which one it is, since NRF_LOG is not enabled by default. Alternatively you can enable it by setting BLE_NUS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED to 1 in sdk_config.h to be able to use NRF_LOG_INFO in ble_nus.c.

    It is a bit tricky to port the ble_app_uart example to support multiple connections. You have to handle all your connection handles correctly. I suggest you take a look in the ble_app_multiperipheral example in SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_multiperipheral.

    Especially in the on_connected() funtion in main, where nrf_ble_qwr_conn_handle_assign() is called in this example. The conn handles is an array. It should be the same in your example. You can also see how it uses the connection handle in led_status_send_to_all().

    Best regards,


  • Thank you for answer.

    Found a place to return 5. Within the ble_nus.c file.

    This is the statement in the ble_nus_data_send () function.

    err_code = blcm_link_ctx_get (p_nus-> p_link_ctx_storage, conn_handle, (void *) & p_client);

    See the screenshot below.

    Thank you

  • Yes. It is the reason I explained in the previous answer. You are not sending a valid connection handle into ble_nusdata_send(). Look at the multiperipheral example how it should be done.
