What SDK version do you use? Can you check what the on_adv_report() does when it picks up the advertisements from the phone? You can also see inside this function what it is looking for, whether it is a UUID or an advertising name (or something else).
It is a bit hard to pinpoint exactly where it checks for this, as it differs between the different SDK versions, but do a search for "on_adv_rep" in your project, and see if you can find out what function that is called when the scanner receives an advertisement report.
Thank you for answer.
I am using s132 on pca10040 in version 15.3.
I am using the nrf52832 chip.
It is difficult to verify that the on_adv_rep function works
Peripheral is the uart, Central is the.
I tried to match UUID and device_name but it does not work. Help
Thank you for answer.
Found a place to return 5. Within the ble_nus.c file.
This is the statement in the ble_nus_data_send () function.
err_code = blcm_link_ctx_get (p_nus-> p_link_ctx_storage, conn_handle, (void *) & p_client);
See the screenshot below.
Thank you
Yes. It is the reason I explained in the previous answer. You are not sending a valid connection handle into ble_nusdata_send(). Look at the multiperipheral example how it should be done.
Thank you. Where can I get a multiperipheral example?
Edvin said:SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_multiperipheral.
HI Cjb21,
Please tell me which example do you use from my github.
and then how to reproduce sequence .
HI Cjb21,
Please tell me which example do you use from my github.
and then how to reproduce sequence .
Thank you for your reply.
The project url you used on your github.
Two examples were downloaded and tested on the nrf52832 dk board.
I used sdk 15.3.
I have connected nrf52832 board and iphone7 (app: nrf toolbox).
I want to send and receive data in both directions using uart terminal.
But The <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi-role> example doesn't seem to be normal.
I used nrf52832(pca10040/s132) board.
A. Example <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> and the Mobile Connection Screen
<ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role/nrf52832(Peripheral mode)>
In the uart terminal, I typed "data send" on the keyboard.
<NRF TOOLBOX(ios)> (Central)
not reveive
B. Example <ble_app_lbs_nus> and the Mobile Connection Screen
In the uart terminal, I typed "data send" on the keyboard.
<NRF TOOLBOX(ios)> (Central)
reveived "data send"
There are additional issues involved.
Two NRF52832 DK boards were used. On the first NRF52832 DK board I downloaded the <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> example. On the second board I downloaded ble_app_lbs_nus. <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> was used in CENTRAL mode.
I set <ble_app_lbs_nus> to Peripheral. The connection was successful. However, Using UART terminal <ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role> Sent data to the board. <ble_app_lbs_nus> No data is received on the board.
In my opinion, the ble_nus_data_send () function seems to have a problem
in the ble_app_lbs_nus_its_multi_role example.
Thanks to Jimmy, the development went smoothly.
Please, reply.
thank you.
Have a nice day
Did you solve the issue where ble_nus_data_send() returned 5?
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a solution.
I don't know where to fix it.
I am a beginner and need help.
Read my reply starting with "As long as it doesn't return 0, the message is not sent.".
Then look at the example found in SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_multiperipheral.