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power optimal twi tx/rx

Hi - I am wondering what is the power optimal way to read/write with the TWI module. I do a tx and rx with the TWI interface. I have something like this, from the examples to read data from a i2c supported device:

// read from i2c device

uint16_t timeout = 10000;

while((!twi_tx_done) && --timeout); // twi_tx_done is in the twi_handler for NRF_DRV_TWI_XFER_TX event
twi_tx_done = false;

timeout = 10000;
while((!twi_rx_done) && --timeout); // twi_rx_done is in the twi_handler for NRF_DRV_TWI_XFER_RX event
twi_rx_done = false;

I am not sure if this is the most optimal way of waiting, since it's in a busy loop. Is there a better way to write this?

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