Hi, I'm getting regular crashes with my app: SOFTDEVICE: ASSERTION FAILED.
Using and NRF52832, SDK 15.3.0, SD 132 6.1.1, and Mesh SDK 3.1.0.
With DEBUG defined, I don't really get more info: id=1, pc=148742, info=0.
The last mesh log usually is something with TX (mostly net_beacon.c, 265, BEACON TX).
One crash, I also had a log of getting event NRF_EVT_RADIO_SESSION_IDLE.
I use the mesh SDK to communicate via mesh between nodes, to advertise iBeacon (100ms interval), and I use the scan callback. Next to that, I also use the SD to advertise service data.
nrf_clock_lf_cfg_t lfclksrc; lfclksrc.source = NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC; lfclksrc.rc_ctiv = NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV; lfclksrc.rc_temp_ctiv = NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_TEMP_CTIV; lfclksrc.accuracy = NRF_CLOCK_LF_ACCURACY_20_PPM; mesh_stack_init_params_t init_params; init_params.core.irq_priority = NRF_MESH_IRQ_PRIORITY_THREAD; init_params.core.lfclksrc = lfclksrc; init_params.core.p_uuid = NULL; init_params.core.relay_cb = NULL;
Any idea of what causes this crash?