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QSPI block device issue with S25FS flash part

I am trying to modify the nrf_block_dev_qspi.c to work with S25FS256 flash part in our project. However, i am facing issues. When trying to understand the code I see some things that I don't quite understand.


#define BD_ERASE_UNIT_INVALID_ID   0xFFFFFFFF /**< Invalid erase unit number*/

// p_work->erase_unit_idx is initialized to BD_ERASE_UNIT_INVALID_ID in init function
// This means p_work->erase_unit_idx = -1

uint32_t block_to_program = __CLZ(__RBIT(p_work->erase_unit_dirty_blocks));

uint32_t dst_address = (p_work->erase_unit_idx * NRF_BLOCK_DEV_QSPI_ERASE_UNIT_SIZE) +
                               (block_to_program * p_work->geometry.blk_size);

const void * p_src_address = p_work->p_erase_unit_buff +
                                     block_to_program * p_work->geometry.blk_size;

In the above snippet of code, "p_work->erase_unit_dirty_blocks" is initially 0. This results in "block_to_program" being 32. Is this a valid block number? It seems like with a block size of 512, and an erase unit size of 4096, results in 8 blocks only. So block_to_program being 32 is suspicious.

Moreover, the "p_work->erase_unit_idx" is initialized with -1. This results in the "dst_address" being = (-1 * 4096) + (32 * 512). What is the logic here to start with -1.

Another point is, "p_src_address" = p_work->p_erase_unit_buff + (32 * 512 = 16384). The buffer is only allocated with 4096 bytes in the structure. Not sure if this is a bug or some other logic explains this.

Could anyone answer these questions, as it is critical to our project in understanding this code and modifying as necessary for our project.

  • I am reproducing simmilar problems on nrf52840 devkit (PCA10056) with qspi memory MX25R6435F. The result is that if I write something(block size=256)  to 16 block and then write something to 17 block the previous one(16 block) is corrupted (full of zeros). I dont reproduce this behavior on any of other blocks (I checked almost all flash memory space). The solution you proposed seems to fix this issue. 

    "bypassing unnecessary write when erase_unit_dirty_blocks is zero, the IRQ should reload erase_unit_idx with the correct value.

    Please replace your qspi_block dev driver file with the below"

    I am using sdk 15.3.0. As I see the most important diff from your solution is in block_dev_qspi_write_start function (the rest are additional asserts).  I checked that any of further SDK versions does not contain this fix. My question is if you already fixed this issue in futher SDK's >15.3 ? If yes could you point me how? I am wondering whether fix you proposed 3 years ago is final solution or I should upgrade something else in my sdk version?

  • I am reproducing simmilar problems on nrf52840 devkit (PCA10056) with qspi memory MX25R6435F. The result is that if I write something(block size=256)  to 16 block and then write something to 17 block the previous one(16 block) is corrupted (full of zeros). I dont reproduce this behavior on any of other blocks (I checked almost all flash memory space). The solution you proposed seems to fix this issue. 

    "bypassing unnecessary write when erase_unit_dirty_blocks is zero, the IRQ should reload erase_unit_idx with the correct value.

    Please replace your qspi_block dev driver file with the below"

    I am using sdk 15.3.0. As I see the most important diff from your solution is in block_dev_qspi_write_start function (the rest are additional asserts).  I checked that any of further SDK versions does not contain this fix. My question is if you already fixed this issue in futher SDK's >15.3 ? If yes could you point me how? I am wondering whether fix you proposed 3 years ago is final solution or I should upgrade something else in my sdk version?

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