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USB PID for nRF52840


We are developing product that developed using USB, Zigbee and BLE of nRF52840. We dont want to for new VID registration for just one product and thinking of using VID from Nordic with registering our own product ID with Nordic. 

Is it possible? what is procedure and cost of registering new product ID with Nordic Semiconductor  

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I have checked, and nordic does not have any system for registering PID's, nor do we have any official policy regarding if it is OK or not to use our VID. Even so, the practice has been that customers with small product series or hobbyists use Nordic's VID, and that has not caused any problems. However it is at your own risk, and please note that you are not allowed to use the USB logo unless you have obtained your own VID (by becoming a member of the USB-IF).

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