I am currently following this example with SES on my NRF52840 DK (PCA10056). I copied the ble_app_template example from the SDK's examples/bluetooth_peripherals and then I added the main.c, ble_cus.c, and ble_cus.h files from Github to the SES's project.
My issue is that even though I am using the exact code and instructions provided by the tutorial, I still do not see the new service after I upload the code to my DK board. I make sure to erase the board before I upload the code. The code compiles successfully. I tried flashing several times. But every time I scan and connect to the DK, only the Generic Access (0x1800) and Generic Attribute (0x1801) default services appear. Does anyone know why the code to add new custom service is not working? Thank you.
I changed the RAM_START and RAM_SIZE as the tutorial suggested.
I also took care to modify the following line in sdk_config.h.
So I think I did all the steps the tutorial instructed.