Does Nordic has WirelessHART protocol Stack for nRF52840? Or can suggest any suitable one. I want to port it along side of ZBOSS stack
Does Nordic has WirelessHART protocol Stack for nRF52840? Or can suggest any suitable one. I want to port it along side of ZBOSS stack
Unfortunately, we (Nordic) do not have the WirelessHART Protocol Stack, and I do not believe Nordic has any experience with the Wireless HART protocol. It should be possible to do something with the nRF52840 as Wireless HART uses the IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer, though, so it will be interesting to see if anyone has some advice.
To support Wireless Hart we need a UART that supports ODD parity. The nRF52833 will be the first device at Nordic that supports odd parity. There are some consulting service companies with experience with Wireless Hart. Please contact your RSM for nRF52833 release information.
-Amanda H.
Thanks Ananda for updates.