I tried to run ble_app_uart on nRF5_SDK_15.3.0 with nRF52832.
However, I cannot execute main () with Segger debug.
How can I solve this problem?
I connect nRF52832 to J-LINK Lite and connect J-LINK Lite to mac via USB.
The version of SEGGER is 4.18.
The SDK is nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345.
The mac OS is 10.14.6.
I opened ble_app_uart_pca10040_s132.emProject in Segger.
I succeeded in Debug build.
After that, Debug> Go was executed.
However, main () is not executed.
When Break and Step Over, the following points were looped all the time.
0007B0C0 F7FEFDC2 bl 0x00079C48
0007B0C4 BF20 wfe
0007B0C6 E7FB b 0x0007B0C0
How can I solve this problem?
Are you using a bootloader? Can you try to erase the flash using nrfjprog -e before testing the example?
Best regards,
Hi Marjeris,
Thank you very much.
I tried to erase all.
After that, I ran "Debug > Go".
main() was executed.
The problem has been solved.
Thank you.
Happy to help!