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Unable to get SoC events


I am using SDK15.3 with the SoftDevice enabled. I've been unable to get any SoC events after making a call to sd_flash_page_erase. I registered my observer as follows:

NRF_SDH_SOC_OBSERVER(m_test_observer, 0, test_soc_evt_handler, NULL);

I spent a good 2-3 days trying to figure out what the issue was. Everything compiled fine, but my SoC event handler function would never be triggered after a sd_flash_page_erase(..). Turns out the issue was, I wasn't including nrf_sdh_soc.c file. Could you make it so we get an error while compiling if we are missing this file? It seems like the code will compile fine, but it doesn't function as it's supposed to without this file.

Are you aware of any other components/libraries that compile fine, but may not function correctly without the inclusion of a certain file?



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