Is it enough just to connect from custom board to P20 header(nrf52840-dk) SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET, from custom board GND to P20( GND_DETECT) and power supply to custom board from external supply ( battery)?
Is it enough just to connect from custom board to P20 header(nrf52840-dk) SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET, from custom board GND to P20( GND_DETECT) and power supply to custom board from external supply ( battery)?
on P20 are two nRF VDD pins (2.8V DC), on p1 header is VDD pin which have 2.8V DC. One of nRF VDD pins on P20 connect to VTG and other nRF VDD i can use for VCC of custom board? reset? I ask just to confirm because on post you have send me is nrf52 dk board and i use nrf52840 DK
Yes, this connection is correct.
Thank you. Can you maybe help me on
I have one more question about this topic. How to connect nrf52840-dk jlink programmer when custom board have their battery power ?
Any answer?