I am porting the opus library from smart remote project into our system. The chip is nrf52832.
When I encoding the pcm data, I got error. After tracing into code, I found a problem of allocating memory.
In opus library, it will execute the following code
f = __builtin_alloca(sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar)*960); f2 = __builtin_alloca(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx)*480);
*f is 0x2000c578. This memory address in valid
*f2 is 0x2000b678. This memory address in invalid.
0x000000002000afe4 0x3 Output/Obj/mic.o
*fill* 0x000000002000afe7 0x1
0x000000002000afe8 0x780 Output/Obj/mic.o
0x000000002000b768 0x8 Output/Obj/mic.o
0x000000002000b770 0x20 Output/Obj/mic.o
0x000000002000b790 0xc Output/Obj/mic.o
0x000000002000b79c 0xa Output/Obj/mic.o
*fill* 0x000000002000b7a6 0x2
0x000000002000b7a8 0x4 Output/Obj/mic.o
.bss.m_lock 0x000000002000b7ac 0x1 Output/Obj/mic.o
*fill* 0x000000002000b7ad 0x3
0x000000002000b7b0 0x3 Output/Obj/m_audio_frame.o
*fill* 0x000000002000b7b3 0x1
0x000000002000b7b4 0x144 Output/Obj/m_audio_frame.o
0x000000002000b8f8 0x8 Output/Obj/m_audio_frame.o
0x000000002000b900 0x4 /Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 4.18/lib/libc_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_hard_t_le_eabi.a(libc2.o)
0x000000002000b900 __user_format_extender
0x000000002000b904 __bss_end__ = (__bss_start__ + SIZEOF (.bss))
0x0000000000008b0c __bss_size__ = SIZEOF (.bss)
0x000000002000b904 __bss_load_end__ = __bss_end__
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT (((__bss_start__ == __bss_end__) || ((__bss_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__) <= __RAM_segment_size__)), error: .bss is too large to fit in RAM memory segment)
0x000000002000b904 __tbss_load_start__ = ALIGN (__bss_end__, 0x4)
.tbss 0x000000002000b904 0x0
0x000000002000b904 __tbss_start__ = .
*(.tbss .tbss.*)
0x000000002000b904 __tbss_end__ = (__tbss_start__ + SIZEOF (.tbss))
0x0000000000000000 __tbss_size__ = SIZEOF (.tbss)
0x000000002000b904 __tbss_load_end__ = __tbss_end__
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT (((__tbss_start__ == __tbss_end__) || ((__tbss_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__) <= __RAM_segment_size__)), error: .tbss is too large to fit in RAM memory segment)
0x000000002000b904 __non_init_load_start__ = ALIGN (__tbss_end__, 0x4)
.non_init 0x000000002000b904 0x0
0x000000002000b904 __non_init_start__ = .
*(.non_init .non_init.*)
0x000000002000b904 __non_init_end__ = (__non_init_start__ + SIZEOF (.non_init))
0x0000000000000000 __non_init_size__ = SIZEOF (.non_init)
0x000000002000b904 __non_init_load_end__ = __non_init_end__
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT (((__non_init_start__ == __non_init_end__) || ((__non_init_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__) <= __RAM_segment_size__)), error: .non_init is too large to fit in RAM memory segment)
0x000000002000b904 __heap_load_start__ = ALIGN (__non_init_end__, 0x4)
.heap 0x000000002000b904 0x3400
0x000000002000b904 __heap_start__ = .
*(.heap .heap.*)
0x000000002000ed04 . = ALIGN (MAX ((__heap_start__ + __HEAPSIZE__), .), 0x4)
*fill* 0x000000002000b904 0x3400
0x000000002000ed04 __heap_end__ = (__heap_start__ + SIZEOF (.heap))
0x0000000000003400 __heap_size__ = SIZEOF (.heap)
0x000000002000ed04 __heap_load_end__ = __heap_end__
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT (((__heap_start__ == __heap_end__) || ((__heap_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__) <= __RAM_segment_size__)), error: .heap is too large to fit in RAM memory segment)
0x000000002000f800 __stack_load_start__ = (__RAM_segment_start__ + (__RAM_segment_size__ - 0x800))
.stack 0x000000002000f800 0x800
0x000000002000f800 __stack_start__ = .
0x000000002000f800 __StackLimit = __stack_start__
*(.stack .stack.*)
0x0000000020010000 . = ALIGN (MAX ((__stack_start__ + __STACKSIZE__), .), 0x8)
*fill* 0x000000002000f800 0x800
0x0000000020010000 __stack_end__ = (__stack_start__ + SIZEOF (.stack))
0x0000000000000800 __stack_size__ = SIZEOF (.stack)
0x0000000020010000 __StackTop = __stack_end__
0x0000000020010000 __stack_load_end__ = __stack_end__
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT (((__stack_start__ == __stack_end__) || ((__stack_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__) <= __RAM_segment_size__)), error: .stack is too large to fit in RAM memory segment)
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT ((__heap_end__ <= __stack_start__), error: section .heap overlaps absolute placed section .stack)
0x0000000020010000 __stack_process_load_start__ = ALIGN (__stack_end__, 0x8)
.stack_process 0x0000000020010000 0x0
0x0000000020010000 __stack_process_start__ = .
*(.stack_process .stack_process.*)
0x0000000020010000 . = ALIGN (MAX ((__stack_process_start__ + __STACKSIZE_PROCESS__), .), 0x8)
0x0000000020010000 __stack_process_end__ = (__stack_process_start__ + SIZEOF (.stack_process))
0x0000000000000000 __stack_process_size__ = SIZEOF (.stack_process)
0x0000000020010000 __stack_process_load_end__ = __stack_process_end__
0x0000000020010000 __RAM_segment_used_end__ = (ALIGN (__stack_end__, 0x8) + SIZEOF (.stack_process))
0x0000000000010000 __RAM_segment_used_size__ = (__RAM_segment_used_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__)
0x0000000000000001 . = ASSERT (((__stack_process_start__ == __stack_process_end__) || ((__stack_process_end__ - __RAM_segment_start__) <= __RAM_segment_size__)), error: .stack_process is too large to fit in RAM memory segment)
The address,0x2000b678 is in the range of .bss.m_audio_buffer_pool_nrf_balloc_pool_mem. I expect it will be allocated in .heap.
Any idea for fixing this issue?