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ESB on the Sparkfun pro NRF52840 mini


I'm struggling to get ESB running on the Sparkfun Pro NRF52840 mini. I successfully set up the toolchain and can build and flash the board. This works fine.

I built the ESB example of the SDK and flashed it on the chip. Running the esb_init(); function works fine, but the chip resets during the
nrf_esb_write_payload(&tx_payload) statement. According to sparkfun, the S140 SoftDevice is preinstalled, is this a problem? Or does the bootloader makes any trouble?

Thank you for your help!



Parents Reply
  • Thank you for your reply!

    At first i simply want the ESB examples, in the newest version of the Nordic SDK, running on the Sparkfun Pro NRF52840 Mini. I've been able to achieve this, but with the downside of loosing the bootloader. Because I've overwritten it. I placed the firmware directly at the beginning of the memory.

    My problem was in conjunction with the bootloader. I've setup the toolchain and IDE according to .
    I've also adapted the memory definitions. Now i programmed the board with the DFU via USB and it was successful. At first the contoller ran without a problem. The problem occured as soon as i started to use ESB. The MCU allways rested AFTER "nrf_esb_write_payload(&tx_payload);". I could switch a LED after this statement, but the MCU reseted anyway. I could also not read POWER.RESETREAS, because the JLINK debugger resets the chip itself. Well i could read it, but it was allways reseted by the SWD pin.

    I don't need the bootloader, it would just be more convenient. I would like to be able to update the firmware via USB. But it is not that important, this is just an evaluation-project. I'm trying to assess the NRF52840 and ESB for our application.
