Hi, the reason for that error is that you haven't set the variable sourcecode_root, see the picture below. This variable should be the location of your ncs-folder.
Best regards,
Hi Heidi,
Appreciate your quick support.
We set this path of where ncs folder is there. but still the error exist while verifying. please find the attached snapshot.
Could you add the following lines
path = nrf
base = zephyr
After editing the config file is it ok to save in txt format or batch file ?
Just save as type "All Files (*.*)"
Hi Heidi,
I have done this too. Config file saving in txt format. after changing config file also same error exist( config file is missing)
It should not be a text file. Can you confirm that the config file without an extension (the one with just type 'File') contains the following lines
path = nrf
base = zephyr
It should not be a text file. Can you confirm that the config file without an extension (the one with just type 'File') contains the following lines
path = nrf
base = zephyr
The mentioned config contain below lines and i tried to include above mentioned lines and saved as you mentioned earlier but it saving as txt file.
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
url = github.com/.../fw-nrfconnect-nrf
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
Okay, select Save as type "All Files (*.*)". Alternatively you can go in file explorer and select "file name extensions" like the picture below and then remove the ".txt" ending from the config file.
Hi Heidi,
Done this too. We are getting same error.
Okay, could you delete the ncs-folder and just reinstall west?
Able to do west update now.
Not able to set zephyr base as below screen shot.