Hello all,
SDK:S332 V4.0.5(related to BLE V4.2).
For improving BLE data throughout, i tried to set some configurations by other guidance.
//Macros #define NRF_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE 158 //GATT_MTU_SIZE_DEFAULT -> 158 #define BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT 23 static void gatt_mtu_set(uint16_t att_mtu) //set att_mtu 64 { ret_code_t err_code; err_code = nrf_ble_gatt_att_mtu_periph_set(&m_gatt, att_mtu); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } static void conn_evt_len_ext_set(bool status) //status true { ret_code_t err_code; ble_opt_t opt; memset(&opt, 0x00, sizeof(opt)); opt.common_opt.conn_evt_ext.enable = status ? 1 : 0; err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_COMMON_OPT_CONN_EVT_EXT, &opt); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); NRF_LOG_DEBUG("Setting connection event length extension to %u: 0x%x\r\n", status, err_code); } static void data_len_ext_set(bool status) //status true { uint8_t data_length = status ? (NRF_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE + 4) : (BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT + 4); (void) nrf_ble_gatt_data_length_set(&m_gatt, BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID, data_length); }
Unfortunately,when the device connceted to nRF Connect,always return "NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM" printing by Logger.
When connected was established, void on_connected_evt(nrf_ble_gatt_t * p_gatt, ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt) called, in this function,it will begin an ATT MTU exchange:
// Begin an ATT MTU exchange if necessary. if (p_link->att_mtu_desired > p_link->att_mtu_effective) { NRF_LOG_DEBUG("Requesting to update ATT MTU to %u bytes on connection 0x%x.\r\n", p_link->att_mtu_desired, conn_handle); err_code = sd_ble_gattc_exchange_mtu_request(conn_handle, p_link->att_mtu_desired); if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS) { p_link->att_mtu_exchange_requested = true; } else if (err_code == NRF_ERROR_BUSY) { p_link->att_mtu_exchange_pending = true; NRF_LOG_DEBUG("sd_ble_gattc_exchange_mtu_request()" " on connection 0x%x returned busy, will retry.\r\n", conn_handle); } else { NRF_LOG_ERROR("sd_ble_gattc_exchange_mtu_request()" " returned unexpected value 0x%x.\r\n", err_code); } } // Send a data length update request if necessary. if (p_link->data_length_desired > p_link->data_length_effective) { data_length_update(conn_handle, p_gatt); }
The logger shows:
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:Requesting to update ATT MTU to 64 bytes on connection 0x0.
nrf_ble_gatt:ERROR:sd_ble_gattc_exchange_mtu_request() returned unexpected value 0x7.
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:Requesting to update data length to 251 on connection 0x0.
nrf_ble_gatt:ERROR:sd_ble_gap_data_length_update() (request) on connection 0x0 returned unexpected value 0x13.
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:Peer on connection 0x0 requested a data length of 27 bytes.
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:Updating data length to 27 bytes on connection 0x0.
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:Data length updated to 27 on connection 0x0.
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:max_rx_octets: 27
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:max_tx_octets: 27
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:max_rx_time: 328
nrf_ble_gatt:DEBUG:max_tx_time: 328
:DEBUG:ATT MTU exchange completed. central 0xf7 peripheral 0x40
Is there any question?The setting parameters look correct,maybe other setting is must?
Thank you for you reply.
Best regards