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I am using the NRF2840 and WaveShare's 2.9 epaper display to make a cutdown tool, but I am facing some problems.

I have realized the cutdown function with the examples. But now I want to reflesh the number I have published, which means that I first publish a number, then I want to publish a new number. But now, the new number i published can't preemptive the old number. I want to know how to replace the old number. Thanks for all of your effort.

yours sincerely,

Leo Li.

Parents Reply
  • Yes, this is exactly what I mean. I want to abort the current countdown and start it with the new number. But I don't know how to realize this function. I just rewrite the nus_data_handler() function with a very easy logic. I changed the receive data into int, and let it decrease. The code is like this:

    static void nus_data_handler(ble_nus_evt_t * p_evt)
         if (p_evt->type == BLE_NUS_EVT_RX_DATA)
            int time_now_s;
    And the service_init() function is like this:
    static void services_init(void)
        uint32_t           err_code;
        ble_nus_init_t     nus_init;
        nrf_ble_qwr_init_t qwr_init = {0};
    	//	ble_nus_evt_t *pp_evt;
        // Initialize Queued Write Module.
        qwr_init.error_handler = nrf_qwr_error_handler;
        err_code = nrf_ble_qwr_init(&m_qwr, &qwr_init);
        // Initialize NUS.
        memset(&nus_init, 0, sizeof(nus_init));
        nus_init.data_handler = nus_data_handler;
        err_code = ble_nus_init(&m_nus, &nus_init);
    I don't know whether these code will help you to understand my meanings or not.
    Thank you for your continuous attention to my questions.
No Data