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OLED 2864(SSD1306) Does not operate.

HI, I try to turn on the OLED.

I can not confirm that the lights turned on

I want to change background color.

What should I do?

Currently being output as shown below. image description

and Source Was uploaded. twi_sw_master_example (2).zipTest_Source.txt

  • Seems like you have gotten a bit further since you posted this question. Did you manage to initialize the screen after you wrote this post: ?

    If you managed to initialize the screen but can not change the background color of the screen, you really have to read the datasheet for the SSD1306 in order to send the right commands over TWI.

    If the problem is that you can't set up the TWI correctly on one of the Nordic chips, you have to say this in your question, and also specify which Nordic chip you use. (And SDK version)

  • Seems like you have gotten a bit further since you posted this question. Did you manage to initialize the screen after you wrote this post: ?

    If you managed to initialize the screen but can not change the background color of the screen, you really have to read the datasheet for the SSD1306 in order to send the right commands over TWI.

    If the problem is that you can't set up the TWI correctly on one of the Nordic chips, you have to say this in your question, and also specify which Nordic chip you use. (And SDK version)
