- Peripheral only
- Peer Manager and Bonding working
- S140 radio
- nRF5 SDK 15.2.0
- Rigado BMD-340 module
- Central == iOS devices
Our nRF5 module is controlled by a Kinetis which uses a GPIO to indicate it should boot into a "bonding mode". In this mode, it should advertise to any device with power at -40. (This is working). When not in bonding mode, we want the device to advertise only to bonded devices (and do this at +8 power). The idea is that bonding should occur in close proximity only, and only bonded devices can connect when in non-bonding mode at higher power (allowing connection at a larger distance).
I have been trying to accomplish this through various means such as whitelist. This is implemented and works, but I can not stop it from doing some other sort of advertising (fast/slow). If I configure advertising to only do whitelist, the API returns an error (don't have it handy, but was along the lines of "incorrect parameter").
My testing for this involved adding the HRM guid to our advertising data, which allows it to appear in the iOS Bluetooth browse list. (Our device normally advertises BAS, DI, and a custom service - which won't show up in the normal "device browser", can only be discovered using APIs in our iOS app.)
Code for our advertising init is below. In this code I tried setting fast/slow to low timeouts, but iOS still sees it. Any suggestions on how to make this work properly, or a different approach?
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(init));
init.evt_handler = on_adv_evt;
init.error_handler = ble_advertising_error_handler; init.advdata.name_type = BLE_ADVDATA_FULL_NAME;
init.advdata.include_appearance = true; init.advdata.flags = BLE_GAP_ADV_FLAGS_LE_ONLY_LIMITED_DISC_MODE; init.srdata.uuids_complete.uuid_cnt = sizeof(s_adv_uuids) / sizeof(s_adv_uuids[0]);
init.srdata.uuids_complete.p_uuids = s_adv_uuids; init.config.ble_adv_on_disconnect_disabled = false;
if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(PIN_BOND))
{ init.config.ble_adv_fast_enabled = true; init.config.ble_adv_fast_interval = APP_ADV_FAST_INTERVAL; init.config.ble_adv_fast_timeout = APP_ADV_FAST_DURATION; init.config.ble_adv_slow_enabled = true;
init.config.ble_adv_slow_interval = APP_ADV_SLOW_INTERVAL; init.config.ble_adv_slow_timeout = APP_ADV_SLOW_DURATION; init.config.ble_adv_whitelist_enabled = false;
} else { init.config.ble_adv_directed_high_duty_enabled = true; init.config.ble_adv_directed_enabled = true; init.config.ble_adv_directed_interval = APP_ADV_FAST_INTERVAL; init.config.ble_adv_directed_timeout = APP_ADV_FAST_DURATION; init.config.ble_adv_whitelist_enabled = true;
init.config.ble_adv_fast_enabled = true;
init.config.ble_adv_fast_interval = 40; init.config.ble_adv_fast_timeout = 100; init.config.ble_adv_slow_enabled = true;
init.config.ble_adv_slow_interval = 1600; init.config.ble_adv_slow_timeout = 100; }
err_code = ble_advertising_init(&s_advertising, &init);
APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); ble_advertising_conn_cfg_tag_set(&s_advertising, APP_BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG);