I have successfully installed Wireshark and nRF Sniffer on a Windows 64-bit machine. Now I am trying to duplicate the process on a windows 32-bit machine without any luck. I have followed the same steps for the procedure. I have Python27 and pyserial 3.4 installed and added to the path on my C: drive. I'm attempting to use the nRF52840-DK with nRF Sniffer 2.0 a Microsoft 32-bit platform.
Is the nRF Sniffer 2.0 compatible with a 32bit machine? The download page shows version 1.0.1 for 32-bit and 64-bit but it is not clear if the 2.0.0 version needed for the 52840-DK is compatible with 32-bt. If not, can version 1.0.1 be used with the 52840-DK?